Sunday, August 23, 2009

Same old, same old...

Not much has been going on around the Brodbeck household lately. I have been working a lot lately, it has been crazy in labor and delivery. I did doppler myself at work and heart tones were in the 150's I started feeling movement yesterday and that was really exciting. I am looking forward to my next appointment with Dr Downey on September 3rd. I am hoping to find out if our little peanut is a boy or a girl. Ross still says "she" which is really cute, but occasionally he wants a "brudder." This week he said the funniest thing- "Holy Gosh! Mama, I made a big mess!" He knocked some paper off the couch and it fell to the floor. He has since made "Holy Gosh!" his new catch phrase. It reminds me of something the old Robin would say on the Batman TV series- "Holy Gosh Batman!" He is so darn cute. I will update again at the sign of some news, until then....

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Oh! how time flies!!

Well, not much has changed in the month and half since my last post. I have had a couple more visits with Dr Downey and everything seems to be going well. The heartbeat with a doppler is 140s-150s. We have had the opportunity to look with the ultrasound at work and it is truly amazing to see our sweet baby grow. The first time we looked it was round, just a little circle. The next time we took a peek it looked more like a little twig, just occasionally wiggling. This last week we decided to take another look and it has a sweet little face and little arms and legs. It is a miracle to see this development before our eyes, especially in just a few short weeks. Ross has been so sweet to the baby. He listens in mamas chest for the heartbeat, and looks down my throat "to see her." He always calls the baby a "her," but at one time, said he wanter a "brudder." We look forward to him having a sibling and someone to help with and share with. He has a caring and sweet spirit that I hope he shares with the new baby. We look forward to the next visit at the doctor, where we will hopefully find out the sex of our baby. We are hoping for a healthy and happy one. I will have the quad screen at the next visit and we will schedule the "big ultrasound" with the Maternal-Fetal Medicine doctor. We are not expecting any problems, just hoping to rule them out. I will keep updating the blog when the time comes. I am feeling good, no fetal movement yet, but it is sure to come. I look forward to this "honeymoon trimester," it leads us closer to our little sweet pea!