Sunday, August 23, 2009

Same old, same old...

Not much has been going on around the Brodbeck household lately. I have been working a lot lately, it has been crazy in labor and delivery. I did doppler myself at work and heart tones were in the 150's I started feeling movement yesterday and that was really exciting. I am looking forward to my next appointment with Dr Downey on September 3rd. I am hoping to find out if our little peanut is a boy or a girl. Ross still says "she" which is really cute, but occasionally he wants a "brudder." This week he said the funniest thing- "Holy Gosh! Mama, I made a big mess!" He knocked some paper off the couch and it fell to the floor. He has since made "Holy Gosh!" his new catch phrase. It reminds me of something the old Robin would say on the Batman TV series- "Holy Gosh Batman!" He is so darn cute. I will update again at the sign of some news, until then....

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